1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 24, 2004 6:05 AM by adrian.brock

    Specifing the database


      I configured a mySQL data source in my jboss and it's working perfectelly with this url: jdbc:mysql:///OLDapplication and the OLDapplication-ejb.jar.

      I write a new application and i'm intended to use the same Datasource, but when i deploy the newapplication-ejb.jar, jboss create the tables at OLDapplication database.

      Well, i tryed to configure the url like this: jdbc:mysql:///. And specify all tables in jbosscmp-jdbc.xml with the database descriptor like this: <table-name>NEWapplication.table</table-name>. But when i star the application server he says that he isn't connected in any database...

      So, how do i configure jboss to create and use the tables at NEWapplication database?


        • 1. Re: Specifing the database

          I find it hard to understand your question.
          Try to ask it using smaller more logical steps along with the configuration xmls you
          are discussing.

          From the little I understand, you need a different datasource to connect to
          a different db.
