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1. Re: configuring default application
peterj Nov 7, 2008 12:38 PM (in response to yaragalla_murali)Here is one way to accomplish this. First remove the current default app at server/xxx/deploy/jboss-web.deployer/ROOT.war (remove the whole directory). Second, add a jboss-web.xml file to your web app's WEB-INF directory and put the following it it:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <jboss-web> <context-root>/</context-root> </jboss-web>
2. Re: configuring default application
yaragalla_murali Nov 10, 2008 1:17 AM (in response to yaragalla_murali)thank you peterj
3. Re: configuring default application
neek Jan 29, 2009 1:50 AM (in response to yaragalla_murali)hi,
am using jbossAS4.2 for my web application. i want to load my application default. now i just redirect from Root.war/Web-inf/web.xml. it works like
here mytest is my folder name. i want exact like
i tried jboss-web.xml way, it creates path problem.
can anybody helps me regarding this issue?
neek -
4. Re: configuring default application
peterj Jan 29, 2009 11:16 AM (in response to yaragalla_murali)Please don't cross-post: