1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 5, 2003 3:36 AM by adegbile

    Debugging AOP.

      I am trying to right a small interceptor as a first go at using AOP. It's not working. My question is:

      Is there someway to enable debug output to see what the AOP classloader is doing or if it is even being used at all?

      What is the best approach for trouble shooting an interceptor?


        • 1. Re: Debugging AOP.

          Hi Mike,

          You wrote "What is the best approach for trouble shooting an interceptor?"

          If you were using an IDE just add break points on the method deployInterceptor in AspectXmlLoader and
          protected synchronized void initialize() on the SystemClassLoader.

          These are the main methods that import all your XML configuration into the Standalon ClassLoader

          Hope this Helps
          Adeyemi E Adegbile