2 Replies Latest reply on Oct 30, 2004 1:25 PM by epsout

    issue with compiling



      I'am trying to use the AOP framework, that seem's really nice designed but for now i'am really stuck beacause i can not get my classes to be instrumented at compile time.

      I get this report :

      my bindings

      Does that mean that the bindings are not well defined within the xml? Or that not matches were not found in classes?

      Because in the ant task it seem's that no lookup is done to find my classes :

      I can set the parameter classpath path="" to an invalid directory and i still get no special error

      [aopc] [debug] jboss.aop.class.path is NULL
      [aopc] [debug] jboss.aop.search.classpath: 'null' true
      [aopc] [debug] jboss.aop.path: /home/jys/work/JPhotoWiki/jboss-aop.xml
      [aopc] jboss.aop.path[0]: /home/jys/work/JPhotoWiki/jboss-aop.xml
      [aopc] [deploying] file:/home/jys/work/JPhotoWiki/jboss-aop.xml
      [aopc] [deploy] file:/home/jys/work/JPhotoWiki/jboss-aop.xml
      [aopc] [deploy] file:/home/jys/work/JPhotoWiki/jboss-aop.xml
      [aopc] [deploy] file:/home/jys/work/JPhotoWiki/jboss-aop.xml

      Thank you in advance for your help.


        • 1. Re: issue with compiling


          At present it is up to you to specify the classpath properly.

          For the report to work you need to run the aopc task twice, first with report="false" (to instrument the files), and then with report="true" (to create the report). e.g:

          <!-- report="false" is default -->
          <aopc compilerclasspathref="classpath" classpathref="classpath" verbose="true">
           <classpath path="."/>
           <src path="."/>
           <aoppath path="jboss-aop.xml"/>
          <aopc compilerclasspathref="classpath" classpathref="classpath" verbose="true" report="true">
           <classpath path="."/>
           <src path="."/>
           <aoppath path="jboss-aop.xml"/>

          If you have just started out using JBoss AOP, it is a good idea to start out with the examples, and modify these so you get more of a feel for how it all fits together.



          • 2. Re: issue with compiling

            thank you, just duplicate the aopc line seems to make things working (for the report ut it should be ok), thank you.
