0 Replies Latest reply on Dec 13, 2004 7:36 AM by sushmam

    Defining metadata in jboss-aop.xml



      I have two classes - POJO.java, and TEST.java. I have only one interceptor class which just gets the metadata associated with the invocation object and prints it.

      I have defined a constructor level metadata only for the POJO class, but this gets called, even for the TEST class. How can I make the constructor-metadata specific only to POJO class?

      Given below are the extracts from jboss-aop.xml, BillingInterceptor class, POJO and TEST classes.

      a) jboss-aop.xml

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <!-- Metadata -->
       <metadata tag="mdTest" class="*">
       <constructor class="POJO" expr="POJO()">
       <my-attribute># Pojo constructor</my-attribute>
       <method name="someMethod">
       <my-attribute>Let us start</my-attribute>
       <method name="secondMethod">
      <!-- Pointcuts -->
       <bind pointcut="execution(POJO->new())">
       <interceptor class="BillingInterceptor"/>
       <bind pointcut="execution(* POJO->someMethod(..))">
       <interceptor class="BillingInterceptor"/>
       <bind pointcut="execution(TEST->new())">
       <interceptor class="BillingInterceptor"/>
       <bind pointcut="execution(* TEST->secondMethod(..))">
       <interceptor class="BillingInterceptor"/>

      b) BillingInterceptor.java
      public class BillingInterceptor implements Interceptor
       public String getName() { return "BillingInterceptor"; }
       public Object invoke(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable
       System.out.println("my-attribute : " + invocation.getMetaData("mdTest", "my-attribute"));
       return invocation.invokeNext();

      c) POJO.java
      public class POJO
       public POJO()
       System.out.println("pojo empty constructor");
       public void someMethod(String str, int i, long l){
       System.out.println("someMethod: str=" + str + ", int=" + i + ", long=" + l);

      d) TEST.java
      public class TEST
       public TEST()
       public void secondMethod(int newfoo)
       System.out.println("in second Method --> " + newfoo);

      The o/p when I run the above program is:

       [java] --- new POJO(); ---
       [java] my-attribute : # Pojo constructor
       [java] pojo empty constructor
       [java] my-attribute : Let us start
       [java] someMethod: str=testSTr, int=5, long=55
       [java] --- new TEST(); ---
       [java] my-attribute : # Pojo constructor
       [java] testcons
       [java] my-attribute : secondMethod
       [java] in second Method --> 567

      The attribute # Pojo constructor is being printed out by both the constructors. How to make this specific to only POJO class? Any pointers in this regard will be greatly appreciated.
