1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 22, 2005 6:59 PM by bill.burke

    doGet has something special to it?


      Well i don't seem to make this work:
      if I use:

      <bind pointcut="execution(* com.test.proiect.web.index->doGet(..)) AND within(com.test.proiect.web.index)">
       <interceptor class="com.test.proiect.web.AspectAutentificare"/>

      where index is a class which extends HttpServlet
      it doesn't seem to work.

      when I try:

      <bind pointcut="execution(* com.test.proiect.web.index->doGet(..))">
       <interceptor class="com.test.proiect.web.AspectAutentificare"/>

      IT WORKS.
      I only resorted to this redundant pointcut example because other logic expresions fail too.
      Actually all the pages in the package should be intercepted on the execution of doGet and autenthification checked, all but the page to which i'm redirectiong in case of unauthorised acces.

      Ok si shouldn't the first pointcut intercept the call on the page too?


        • 1. Re: doGet has something special to it?

          You may want to try JBoss AOP 1.3.0. We changed how loadtime instrumentation is done. My guess is that you encountering classloader problems. In JBoss AOP 1.1.2 and earlier we required a special JBoss classloader when doing loadtime weaving and JDK 1.4.