2 Replies Latest reply on Nov 21, 2005 3:43 PM by nick.hynes

    Pointcut for profiling all EJB business interface calls


      Hi all,

      I'm trying to create a very simple profiler for our batch processing service.

      We need to get some basic, high-level metrics for EJB invocations and JDBC performance. The JDBC stuff is simple enough, since we use a factory to get JDBC connections.

      Is there any way to define a pointcut for all non-lifecycle EJB calls- or even all EJB method invocations including lifecycle calls?

      In addition, is there any way to deploy an aspect across EJBs without using the aspect compiler? I.e. can you configure the server to deploy an additional proxy/wrapper on EJB interfaces deployed by the server. For example, I'm thinking of the type of functonality that allows you to deploy a filter (javax.servlet.Filter) against servlets without recompiling any code.

      Note: we've looked at various profiling tools, and these provide a great amount of detail, however they all seem a bit heavy-weight for our current needs.


        • 1. Re: Pointcut for profiling all EJB business interface calls

          I've created something for capturing any aspect with JBossProfiler some time ago.

          I haven't putted into production as I didn't have enough contributors to be working on that part.

          If you want to help on these aspects I have already started developing you would be more than welcome on helping, and a good thing on using JBossProfiler as a basis for your work, is you would already have a parser for your log files.

          Please send a message on JBossProfiler's forum if you are interested.


          • 2. Re: Pointcut for profiling all EJB business interface calls


            "clebert.suconic@jboss.com" wrote:
            I've created something for capturing any aspect with JBossProfiler some time ago.

            I haven't putted into production as I didn't have enough contributors to be working on that part.

            If you want to help on these aspects I have already started developing you would be more than welcome on helping...

            Thanks Clebert,

            If we can't find something already built, I may need to take you up on this offer. We have tried Compuware's DevPartner with quite a bit of success, but haven't committed to the licensing costs. I might also give ManageEngine a go too.

            Failing that, I'll be calling on you...

            Nick Hynes.