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1. Re: SSO LdapLoginProvider activates an identity based on the
dmlloyd Apr 4, 2008 6:22 PM (in response to aamonten)Regardless, that code is (much) better written as:
boolean active = Boolean.valueOf(rs.getString("sn"));
;-) -
2. Re: SSO LdapLoginProvider activates an identity based on the
soshah Apr 4, 2008 10:15 PM (in response to aamonten)Alejandro-
See my post here:
You are correct on the brain fart ;) -
3. Re: SSO LdapLoginProvider activates an identity based on the
aamonten Apr 7, 2008 1:05 AM (in response to aamonten)Hi,
I just add a new Identity Provider to the trunk, which allow you to define what entry attribute should be used to verify the activation. You can download it
Its an extension of the LDAPIdentityProvider that should be configured like this<provider id="si:jboss-sso:ldapactivation:login" class=""> <property name="connectionURL"> jdbc:ldap://localhost:1389/dc=foo,dc=bar?SEARCH_SCOPE:=subTreeScope&secure:=false&concat_atts:=true&size_limit:=10000000 </property> <property name="username">cn=admin</property> <property name="password">password</property> <property name="identityOu">People</property> <property name="roleOu">roles</property> <property name="activation">carLicense</property> </provider>
You can set any of the valid attributes of an InetOrgPerson schema at the activation property , which would be used to validate the activation.
If none are set it would set the Identoty as active