0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 2, 2003 2:59 AM by xiaoyi

    websphere can't call a method of entity bean from jboss .why


      codes are:
      InitialContext ctx = null;
      java.util.Properties props= new java.util.Properties();
      ctx = new InitialContext(props);
      Object homeObject = ctx.lookup("ejb/com/bank/Transfer1Home");
      Transfer1Home piHome = (Transfer1Home)javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(homeObject, Transfer1Home.class);
      Transfer1 t1 = piHome.create();
      but websphere said that "transfer1Home can't be resolved or is not a type!"
      but i have make the java class and ejb-jar.xml of jboss in the .jar file and put it on the websphere.
      please tell me the reason.