I'm starting an Open Source project to help build benchmarking infrastructure. The project, called Bluegrass, is aimed at being able to benchmark complicated systems. Rather than build this project in a vacuum, I decided to go about this by first building a project that would work for performance testing JMS, but would be re-usable enough to be applicable to other domains.
I'm looking for people who are interested in either JMS and/or Benchmarking to help take a look at my current direction and send me either feedback or just comment on the Wiki. Any good information on benchmarking, or JMS specific scenarios you think need to be covered, or technologies I should look, or just interesting points of view would be appreciated.
Wiki: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/BG/Home
JMS-Testing is part of the SPECjAppServer2004 benchmark, but I think you want to exclusively test JMS