SPECJAppServer 2002 Driver fails
andrewzhu Jan 20, 2005 10:40 PMI can successfully start the Benchmark, but run into a problem when run the driver.
The error message likes this:
Apps server is jboss32
JAVA_HOME is /opt/java1.4
JAS_HOME is /opt/iexpress/SPECjAppServer2002
J2EE_HOME is /opt/iexpress/jboss
Driver Host: hpipvcq
Binding controller to //hpipvcq.cup.hp.com/Controller
Controller: Registering O1 on machine
O1 started ...
Controller: Registering M1 on machine
M1 started ...
Controller: Registering L1 on machine
L1 started ...
RunID for this run is : 51
Output directory for this run is : /opt/iexpress/SPECjAppServer2002/output/51
Java classpath is: /opt/iexpress/SPECjAppServer2002/jars/driver.jar:/opt/iexpress/jboss/client/jbossall-client.jar;/opt/iexpress/jboss/client/concurrent.jar;/opt/iexpress/jboss/client/log4j.jar;/opt/iexpress/SP
Exception in thread "main" java.rmi.RemoteException: InitialContext failed. javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Cannot instantiate class: org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory [Root exception is java.lang
.ClassNotFoundException: org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory]
at org.spec.jappserver.driver.Auditor.getAuditBeans(Auditor.java:95)
at org.spec.jappserver.driver.Auditor.validateInitialValues(Auditor.java:153)
at org.spec.jappserver.driver.Driver.configure(Driver.java:278)
at org.spec.jappserver.driver.Driver.(Driver.java:142)
at org.spec.jappserver.driver.Driver.main(Driver.java:726)
The problem looks like the program can not find
But I add a line
System.out.println("Java classpath is: " + System.getProperty("java.class.path"));
in file
to print out the java classpath and find that "jbossall-client.jar" is in the path already. ( you can see the whole classpath in the above output)
Did I miss something?