1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 9, 2006 3:37 AM by thomas.diesler

    Reminder, No lazy loading in the UMD


      Hi Everyone,

      Last night I stumbled across this:

       public OperationMetaData getOperation(Method method)
       OperationMetaData opMetaData = methodCache.get(method);
       if (opMetaData == null)
       for (OperationMetaData aux : operations)
       if (aux.getJavaMethod().equals(method))
       methodCache.put(method, aux);
       opMetaData = aux;
       return opMetaData;

      As a general reminder, we can't use lazy loading in the UnifiedMetaData model because it is shared across threads. If we need to cache something, it needs to be done in eagerInitialize()
