0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 19, 2009 11:49 PM by jim.ma

    The ignoreParseErro issue


      I am looking at the ignoreParseError issue : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4231557#4231557.
      Looks like simply set the ignoreParseError to false can not resolve it.

      There are two cases make the MassageFactoryImpl/EnvelopeBuilder to throw parse soap message exception if we set the igonreParseError to false .

      (a). HTTP response code OK and soap message is missing close tag etc .
      (b). HTTP reponse code OK and soap message is empty.

      Throwing parse exception for case (a) is no problem . But throwing exception for case (b) should be considered : if a ws-addressing webservice's ReplyTo is another address. The response soap message from this addressing service will also empty . So how can we modify the current code slightly and let MessageFactoryImpl know its replyTo address is another url and automatically ignore the parse error (empty response message) ?