2 Replies Latest reply on May 16, 2003 2:47 PM by user57

    maven repository for jboss jars


      Hi all,

      I build my JBoss application with maven. Is there a central repoitory for JBoss jars. On ibiblio there is some JBoss stuff, but not much.

      cheers tomsk

        • 1. Re: maven repository for jboss jars

          At this point I do not know of a maven repo for JBoss stuff. And unfortunatly, I think Maven has been instructed by the ASF to not put LGPL jars up on ibiblio. However, I think JBoss does need a Maven repo. I wonder if the JBoss guys can setup a jboss.sf.net/maven repo for us. That way SF pays for the bandwidth. I will volunteer to maintain it. :)


          • 2. Re: maven repository for jboss jars

            When I was testing out a hacked version of Greebo I setup a Maven-ish repo at http://jboss.sf.net/buildmagic/thirdparty so it is defs possible and quite simple to do too.

            When/if JBoss ever uses Maven to build a repo will probs be setup here.
