1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 30, 2006 3:02 PM by ruel.loehr

    Updating apache.commons.classpath


      The Admin Console project uses the apache.commons.classpath in its build path. Recently the commons-lang.jar has been upgraded to version 2.1 in thirdparty (of jboss 5.0), but the pathelement in apache.commons.classpath still references commons-lang-2.0.jar, this caused problems with the Console build. I've figured out that apache.commons.classpath is defined in trunk\tools\etc\buildmagic\aliases.ent, but I'm not sure if making the change will have any other side effect. Can someone familiar in this area give your bless before I change it?

        • 1. Re: Updating apache.commons.classpath

          Yes, making the change as you described will cause the generated libraries.ent file which is found in thirdparty to contain the correct classpath.

          Just remember, you'll need to rebuild your thirdparty structure pick up the change. An easy way to do this is to simply delete your thirdparty/libraries.ent and rebuild.