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1. Re: JBoss+Tom Bundle - Configuration
raja05 May 26, 2003 10:54 PM (in response to solaires)By default, there is no root context defined when u install jboss, check out http://myhost:8080/jmx-console to see the JMX COnsole.
to run some wars, create a war file and drop it in the deploy directory of ur configuration. So if u create a test.war in ur deploy, u can access it as
of just drop the expanded archive under deploy directory to achieve the same result.
-Raj -
2. Re: JBoss+Tom Bundle - Configuration
trajano Aug 23, 2003 8:46 AM (in response to solaires)Is there a way for JBoss+Tomcat to deploy a web app without having it put in a deploy directory and also have it in exploded form.