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1. Re: Compiled JSP deleted when JBoss is restarted
jawwadhussain Jun 26, 2003 10:26 AM (in response to jawwadhussain)"JawwadHussain" wrote:
I managed to find a what was wrong with my settings after going through the source code.
<Host name="localhost" workDir="/tmp/work/MainEngine/localhost">
creates the work dir inside the tmp which will be delete by the when the server is shutdown.
<Host name="localhost" unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true" workDir="${jboss.server.home.dir}/work/MainEngine/localhost">
This creates the work dir outside the tmp directory.
Cheers :-)
Jawwad. -
2. Re: Compiled JSP deleted when JBoss is restarted
abhsob Jul 11, 2003 4:18 AM (in response to jawwadhussain)"abhsob" wrote:
"abhsob" wrote:
I'm still having the same problem. The version I'm using is jboss-3.0.6_tomcat-4.1.18. I made the following entry in the
<Host name="localhost" unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true" workDir="C:/jboss-3.0.6_tomcat-4.1.18/work/MainEngine/localhost">
<attribute name="DeleteWorkDirs">false</attribute>
Is there anything else I'll have to do.
-abhijeet -
3. Re: Compiled JSP deleted when JBoss is restarted
abhsob Jul 11, 2003 5:05 AM (in response to jawwadhussain)"abhsob" wrote:
It does work!! Only setting required is <attribute name="DeleteWorkDirs">false</attribute> in tomcat41-catalina.xml