0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 2, 2003 9:08 AM by cpd1

    Virtual Hosts with JBoss 3RC1 Tomcat 4.0.3 Apache 1.3.29


      Has anyone being able to get virtual hosts working using the JBoss 3RC1 Tomcat 4.0.3 bundle and using the mod_webapp.so (warpConnector) with Apache 1.3.29 web server.

      When I try to deploy a war file to a virtual host
      i get the following error

      2003-09-02 13:39:44,689 ERROR [org.jboss.web.localhost.Engine] [org.apache.catalina.connector.warp.WarpConfigurationHandler] Cannot find "../catalina/./test" for appl. "test" host "www.mytest.com"

      I have tried using the jboss-web.xml as mentioned in jboss documentation and putting in the virtual host entry but once I start apache the above error arises.

      In the test WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml the entry is


      In the tomcat4-service.xml the virtual hosts are recorded as follows

      While the apache httpd.conf entry is


      LoadModule webapp_module /libexec/mod_webapp.so
      AddModule mod_webapp.c

      ServerName www.mainsite.com
      WebAppConnection warpConnection1 warp localhost:8008
      WebAppDeploy test2 warpConnection1 test2

      ServerName www.mytest.com
      WebAppConnection warpConnection2 warp localhost:8008
      WebAppDeploy test warpConnection2 test

      I have no problems using virtual hosts with Tomcat and Apache together but not with the jboss/tomcat bundle and apache.

      Any help/advice appreciated
