1. Re: Tomcat 5.0.x standalone and Jboss 3.2.3
brenck Apr 23, 2004 6:03 AM (in response to bbd66)Sorry for the maybe "dumb" question ... is there already such bundle?
(JBoss 3.2.x + Tomcat 5.x)
This is exactly what I would need - due to a request to me for using JavaServerFaces with JBoss/Tomcat.
If not, please reply if you are working on the same feature - maybe we can support each other? -
2. Re: Tomcat 5.0.x standalone and Jboss 3.2.3
starksm64 Apr 23, 2004 10:48 AM (in response to bbd66)jboss-3.2.4RC1 uses tc5 by default. There is a build-tc5-config.xml in jboss-3.2.3/docs/examples/tomcat that can be used to create a jboss-3.2.3/server/tomcat5 configuration which uses tc5 as the web container.
3. Re: Tomcat 5.0.x standalone and Jboss 3.2.3
brenck Apr 26, 2004 1:44 AM (in response to bbd66)Thanx - this thing works :-)
Btw.: Later tried to run it using jsdk 1.5.0 beta and it completely crashed when staring up MBean Services. Earlier versions did the same. Which forum would be the right one, to post the error cause and Exception?
CU Dirk -
4. Re: Tomcat 5.0.x standalone and Jboss 3.2.3
triathlon98 Apr 26, 2004 3:44 AM (in response to bbd66)This is a known issue. There are some incompatibilities between JBoss's JMX stuff and the stuff in jsdk 1.5. This is being worked on IIRC.