1 2 Previous Next 25 Replies Latest reply on Apr 17, 2003 5:14 PM by jmatt

    looking for module/block developpers

      Nukes reached a point where we need module/block development.

      If you're interested in porting or creating modules for Nukes please contact us through this forum.

      Module development is very easy, no overhead, ne learning curve, no blah blah. Straightforward, you get nukes, you develop a module.

      I will continue my effort in porting modules.


        • 1. Re: Problems with persistence

          Here are the functions in my module that call the setters and getters:

           public void displayConfiguration(Page page)
           if (!secAuthAction("configuration::", Constants.SEC_ACCESS_ADMIN))
           displayError(page, "${kingpin.NO_AUTH}");
           String authId = getApi().generateAuthKey(getName()),
           newNumberPackagesPerPage =
           page.getParameter("numberPackagesPerPage", Integer.toString(getNumberPackagesPerPage())),
           newThresholdEvent = page.getParameter("thresholdEvent", getThresholdEvent()),
           newThresholdDay1 = page.getParameter("thresholdDay1", Integer.toString(getThresholdDay1())),
           newThresholdDay2 = page.getParameter("thresholdDay2", Integer.toString(getThresholdDay2())),
           newThresholdDay3 = page.getParameter("thresholdDay3", Integer.toString(getThresholdDay3())),
           newThresholdColor1 = page.getParameter("thresholdColor1", getThresholdColor1()),
           newThresholdColor2 = page.getParameter("thresholdColor2", getThresholdColor2()),
           newThresholdColor3 = page.getParameter("thresholdColor3", getThresholdColor3()),
           newRavenFeedbackLink = page.getParameter("ravenFeedbackLink", getRavenFeedbackLink()),
           newRequirementsPageLink = page.getParameter("requirementsPageLink", getRavenFeedbackLink());
           DelegateContext configurationContext = new DelegateContext();
           configurationContext.put("NUMBER_PACKAGES_PER_PAGE", newNumberPackagesPerPage);
           configurationContext.put("THRESHOLD_EVENT", newThresholdEvent);
           configurationContext.put("THRESHOLD_DAY_1", newThresholdDay1);
           configurationContext.put("THRESHOLD_DAY_2", newThresholdDay2);
           configurationContext.put("THRESHOLD_DAY_3", newThresholdDay3);
           configurationContext.put("THRESHOLD_COLOR_1", newThresholdColor1);
           configurationContext.put("THRESHOLD_COLOR_2", newThresholdColor2);
           configurationContext.put("THRESHOLD_COLOR_3", newThresholdColor3);
           configurationContext.put("RAVEN_FEEDBACK_LINK", newRavenFeedbackLink);
           configurationContext.put("REQUIREMENTS_PAGE_LINK", newRequirementsPageLink);
           configurationTemplate.render(configurationContext, page.getBodyWriter());
           public void configure(Page page)
           if (!secAuthAction("configuration::", Constants.SEC_ACCESS_ADMIN))
           displayError(page, "${kingpin.NO_AUTH}");
           String authId = getApi().generateAuthKey(getName()),
           newNumberPackagesPerPage = page.getParameter("numberPackagesPerPage", ""),
           newThresholdEvent = page.getParameter("thresholdEvent", ""),
           newThresholdDay1 = page.getParameter("thresholdDay1", ""),
           newThresholdDay2 = page.getParameter("thresholdDay2", ""),
           newThresholdDay3 = page.getParameter("thresholdDay3", ""),
           newThresholdColor1 = page.getParameter("thresholdColor1", ""),
           newThresholdColor2 = page.getParameter("thresholdColor2", ""),
           newThresholdColor3 = page.getParameter("thresholdColor3", ""),
           newRavenFeedbackLink = page.getParameter("ravenFeedbackLink",""),
           newRequirementsPageLink = page.getParameter("requirementsPageLink","");
           if (newNumberPackagesPerPage.equals(""))
           DelegateContext errorContext = new DelegateContext();
           if (newNumberPackagesPerPage.equals("")
           || newNumberPackagesPerPage.equals("0")
           || newThresholdEvent.equals("")
           || newThresholdDay1.equals("")
           || newThresholdDay2.equals("")
           || newThresholdDay3.equals("")
           || newThresholdColor1.equals("")
           || newThresholdColor2.equals("")
           || newThresholdColor3.equals(""))
           DelegateContext errorMessageContext = errorContext.next("errorMessageLoop");
           errorMessageContext.put("ERROR_TEXT", "Number Packages Per Page must be greater than 0 and not null.");
           if (newThresholdEvent.equals(""))
           DelegateContext errorMessageContext = errorContext.next("errorMessageLoop");
           errorMessageContext.put("ERROR_TEXT", "Threshold Event can not be null.");
           if (newThresholdDay1.equals(""))
           DelegateContext errorMessageContext = errorContext.next("errorMessageLoop");
           errorMessageContext.put("ERROR_TEXT", "Threshold Day 1 can not be null.");
           if (newThresholdDay2.equals(""))
           DelegateContext errorMessageContext = errorContext.next("errorMessageLoop");
           errorMessageContext.put("ERROR_TEXT", "Threshold Day 2 can not be null.");
           if (newThresholdDay3.equals(""))
           DelegateContext errorMessageContext = errorContext.next("errorMessageLoop");
           errorMessageContext.put("ERROR_TEXT", "Threshold Day 3 can not be null.");
           if (newThresholdColor1.equals(""))
           DelegateContext errorMessageContext = errorContext.next("errorMessageLoop");
           errorMessageContext.put("ERROR_TEXT", "Threshold Color 1 can not be null.");
           if (newThresholdColor2.equals(""))
           DelegateContext errorMessageContext = errorContext.next("errorMessageLoop");
           errorMessageContext.put("ERROR_TEXT", "Threshold Color 2 can not be null.");
           if (newThresholdColor3.equals(""))
           DelegateContext errorMessageContext = errorContext.next("errorMessageLoop");
           errorMessageContext.put("ERROR_TEXT", "Threshold Color 3 can not be null.");
           errorDisplayTemplate.render(errorContext, page.getBodyWriter());
           "Modified configuration completed successfully",
           "index.html?module=html&op=main&authid=" + getApi().generateAuthKey("kingpin"));

          When I use the configuration page to set the values this is what I see:

          1) In the JMX module the values are changed
          2) In the nukes.nuke_services_attributes table the values are not changed
          3) The values are changed on my configuration page

          When I use the JMX module to change the values this is what I see:

          1) In the JMX module the values are changed
          2) In the nukes.nuke_services_attributes table the values are changed
          3) The values are changed on my configuration page

          Why does it work in the JMX module but the getters and setters are not setting the values in the database?

          • 2. Re: looking for module/block developpers


            A quickstart/overview might be encouraging,
            always interested in good software...



            • 3. Re: looking for module/block developpers

              you're right,

              I was thinking about it and I will do it.


              • 4. Re: looking for module/block developpers


                I've been wanting to get involved for a while, but due to a high workload I have not been able to find the time so far. However, things have cooled off a bit now, so count me in!

                Do you have a list of modules you would like ported?


                • 5. Re: looking for module/block developpers

                  Just read marcf's message - and have been waiting for something like this for Jboss - how can I help?

                  • 6. Re: looking for module/block developpers

                    just let me know how i can help and what blocks you want developed. I have been developing J2EE apps on JBoss with EJB's and JSP's(Struts) for the last 2 years so i might be of some help. ;-)



                    • 7. Re: looking for module/block developpers

                      it's good to see you all wanting to contribute.

                      kevin viet has started to develop the "news" module. He has already done the "sections" module.

                      I am going to post a whish list for modules/blocks with priority + difficulty.

                      I want all the questions about developement done in forum so people can follow us.

                      First of all, port a module or block, then we give you CVS access and you integrate within nukes. We won't give RW CVS for nothing.

                      Please also understand that we don't like blahblah, it means don't make us big promises.

                      Start small, make something valuable and show us by writing code that you want to contribute, that's the only thing we want.


                      • 8. Re: looking for module/block developpers

                        I will be willing to write some modules/blocks as well. Looking forward to seeing the wish list so we can pick a module and run with it. Will the wish list be posted here or on a project page?



                        • 9. Re: looking for module/block developpers

                          in this forum tonight or tomorrow.


                          • 10. Module list

                            here are the module we wish ported :

                            they are small, that means they can be ported
                            in a fair amount of time. it won't take you
                            1 month, not even 2 weeks.

                            Kevin ported sections in 10 days and its size
                            is relatively big. We think learning curve for nukes
                            is fairly small though we don't have enough
                            doco. Doco will come soon.

                            FAQ : provides a faq

                            downloads : provides downloads to users

                            Admin_Messages : allow the admin to leave a message visible to all users on website

                            LostPassword : enalbe password recovery sent by email

                            Web Links : web link management

                            In progress ------------------------------

                            news it encompass 4 postnuke modules : comments, AddStory, Submit_News, Topics

                            Done so far -----------------------------

                            youraccount, user, journal, sections

                            Howto : ----------------------------------

                            first read the small doco we have provided.

                            there are no clear rules about how to do it.
                            first, look at other module ports like journal for instance, which is pretty simple.

                            if you choose to port a module please leave a message on this forum.

                            You can ask questions here about module development. We will answer them the best we can and we will help you.

                            You should install postnuke on your system
                            and see what the modules are able to do.
                            There are php installation packages that bundles apache http + php + mysql. With that it take you 15 minutes to install postnuke on your system.

                            To understand PHP language : php.net

                            thank you


                            • 11. Re: looking for module/block developpers

                              here are the module we wish ported :

                              they are small, that means they can be ported
                              in a fair amount of time. it won't take you
                              1 month, not even 2 weeks.

                              Kevin ported sections in 10 days and its size
                              is relatively big. We think learning curve for nukes
                              is fairly small though we don't have enough
                              doco. Doco will come soon.

                              FAQ : provides a faq

                              downloads : provides downloads to users

                              Admin_Messages : allow the admin to leave a message visible to all users on website

                              LostPassword : enalbe password recovery sent by email

                              Web Links : web link management

                              In progress ------------------------------

                              news it encompass 4 postnuke modules : comments, AddStory, Submit_News, Topics

                              Done so far -----------------------------

                              youraccount, user, journal, sections

                              Howto : ----------------------------------

                              first read the small doco we have provided.

                              there are no clear rules about how to do it.
                              first, look at other module ports like journal for instance, which is pretty simple.

                              if you choose to port a module please leave a message on this forum.

                              You can ask questions here about module development. We will answer them the best we can and we will help you.

                              You should install postnuke on your system
                              and see what the modules are able to do.
                              There are php installation packages that bundles apache http + php + mysql. With that it take you 15 minutes to install postnuke on your system.

                              To understand PHP language : php.net

                              thank you


                              • 12. Re: looking for module/block developpers

                                julien, is there any paln to port forums (adapt your old version to nukes)?

                                I mean I can't stress enough how much I hate the current setup, but then again I would not say anything new.

                                • 13. Re: looking for module/block developpers

                                  yes they are planned, no I won't take the shit I did 5 month ago.

                                  I can't stand these forum also. I think nobody can.


                                  • 14. Re: Module list

                                    I was playing with Nukes (unfortunately sections and journal were throwing exceptions, instead of doing something useful)

                                    Well, I liked it, and if nobody else has done so far, I will take the following module from your wishlist:
                                    LostPassword : enalbe password recovery sent by email


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