9 Replies Latest reply on Jul 24, 2003 4:41 PM by julien1

    Customize Contents



      Will it Nukes add a feature for contents customization or user preference?


        • 1. Re: Customize Contents

          > Hello,
          > Will it Nukes add a feature for contents
          > customization

          meanning ?

          or user preference?

          a user can already change its preferences in nukes, can't he ?

          > Eric

          • 2. Re: Customize Contents


            I am a beginner in Nukes.

            Can it allow users to choose their interested contents(Blocks) or layouts ??

            I couldn not find any function for this in the Alpha version that I downloaded in SourceForge.net.

            Is it is possible, please tell me how can I do that ?

            Best regards,

            • 3. Re: Customize Contents

              it is possible for a user to collapse a block, meanning it won't be visible. if a block need to offer personnalied content to a user it's up to it to offer that functionnality, working in collaboration with a module.

              for the layout we have something fixed and rigid, we are thinking about open it wider and maybe have something comparable to the layout you can find in swing, meanning having layout managers.


              • 4. Re: Customize Contents

                Yes, it can collapse a block. But it will return displaying the block after re-login. It seems that Nukes will not store the screen layout. But it can store the Theme selection. Strange !!!!

                Best regards,

                • 5. Re: Customize Contents

                  not strange at all, there is a cause behind that.

                  nukes stores theme into the table user.
                  block states are stored in the session and are therefore lost when a user comes back.

                  we could store that info somewhere in the database, synchronising when the user log in (read) or change a block state (store)

                  that could be a specific EJB containing the state for each block name and each user like :

                  public abstract BlockStateEJB
                  // blah blah EJB
                  public abstract UserEJBLocal getUser();
                  public String int getBlockName();
                  public abstract int getState();

                  with a finder :

                  Collection findBlockStateByUser(UserEJBLocal user) throws FinderException;

                  what do you think ?


                  • 6. Re: Customize Contents

                    It's good idea.
                    Anyway, when I tried to deploy a Block into JBoss(JMX). It will automatic show out in the side(based on my configuration in the .SAR).

                    It will be better if Nukes provides a function to the Administrator to config each blocks' position or their display state(display or not, permission, etc).

                    Best regards,

                    • 7. Re: Customize Contents

                      noel is working on that, this is the block module. however he does not have very much time to finish it (you find find his work in the forum as a zipped archive). If you are interested you can have a look at it.


                      • 8. Re: Customize Contents

                        Oh yes, it could be great !

                        • 9. Re: Customize Contents

                          I commited code for the block module in the cvs. The HTML is still ugly but functionnalities are there.