1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 19, 2004 9:03 AM by julien1

    Where to put extra resources of core module extensions


      I've been expirimenting with extending nukes and ran into the following 'problem'. I'm busy implementing a wysiwyg editor for the html pages and for this I need some extra inages and javascript. Althoug the new plugin structure greatly improves implementing it its still very integrated into the html module. The most logic place to put these images and javascript is in nukes/src/bin/nukes-lib-jar/org/jboss/nukes/core/modules/html, but that didn't work. The images already there aren't accesible (I get a "The requested resource () is not available."-message from tomcat) either. Other modules (like core, youracount, user etc) do work this way. Why is this, and what's the difference from the rest? If there is (or was) a reason for this, what would be the next most logical place to put these resources?

        • 1. Re: Where to put extra resources of core module extensions

          I understand your issue, this is because the HTML module redefines the way resources are obtained in order to server its content as resources.

          It could be also a solution to remove the /modules/html binding to the resource stuff.

          The new .war featured deployment should solve that but is not yet ready. Could you put these files in another module temporarily (like core or whatever) and we will move them to the right place.