2 Replies Latest reply on Oct 15, 2007 5:17 AM by tjakopec

    suggestionbox a:support onsubmit not working


      here is situation

      <t:inputText value="#{traziSimpleSifarnik.opis}" id="traziRadniOdnos"/>
      <r:suggestionbox id="suggRO" for="traziRadniOdnos"
      suggestionAction="#{traziSimpleSifarnik.autocomplete}" var="r"
      fetchValue="#{r.opis.naziv}" minChars="2" width="400" height="150"
      <a:support event="onsubmit" action="#{traziSimpleSifarnik.setIdent('vrstaRadnogOdnosa')}"/>
      <a:support event="onselect">
      <t:updateActionListener value="#{r}"
       property="#{zaposlenik.vrstaRadnogOdnosa}" />
      <r:column width="50%">
      <t:outputText value="#{r.opis.naziv}" />
      <r:column width="50%">
      <t:outputText value="#{r.napomena.naziv}" />

      When I put two support tags onsubmit action doesn't work, error is

      Error: event is not defined
      Source File: http://localhost:8080/kadrovska/a4j_3_2_0-SNAPSHOTorg/richfaces/renderkit/html/scripts/suggestionbox.js
      Line: 69

      but when I put onsubmit on suggestionbox tag its working fine.

      So, onsubmit on suggestionbox working fine but a:support event="onsubmit" NOT WORKING

      Please help!

        • 1. Re: suggestionbox a:support onsubmit not working

          Why did you need to fire a request before suggestion request fired? This sounds really not good.. could you please describe your use case.

          I'm not sure you may use this in a such way because suggestion isn't real DOM element with real onsubmit event,

          • 2. Re: suggestionbox a:support onsubmit not working


            "ilya_shaikovsky" wrote:
            Why did you need to fire a request before suggestion request fired? This sounds really not good.. could you please describe your use case.

            I'm not sure you may use this in a such way because suggestion isn't real DOM element with real onsubmit event,

            after some additional thinking, I change logic, but still remain problem is that onsubmit event fails