I have created a news installer in branch 1.1 that is minimal but works. I have also worked at minimizing the redundancy in the ddl files with an improved format of setup.xml.
I think we should forget the idea of pure CMP because this is not possible to use it to insert data in the database. It's not a problem of post-create-table it's a problem of data portability, let me explain :
1/ for each database the insert statements are different because the data format varies. So it makes impossible to keep the data in one place.
2/ Some format are not flexible for modifications
I have improved the setup.xml format with the following structure :
<module> <action description="blah"> <sql description="blah">create table my_table (INTEGER a, VARCHAR b, VARCHAR c);</sql> </action> <action description="blah"> <insert table="my_table"> <Integer>1</Integer> <String>portable string</String> </Null> </insert> </action> </module>
From the new installer of Julien, i added some fancy stuff around, like a progression bar.
I took the template from the excellent gallery2 installer.
Of course it's comited in the Nukes_Branch_1_1