4 Replies Latest reply on Aug 4, 2006 8:24 AM by joeng165

    Class not found on 'tutorial.ejb.FiboBean' error


      working through the tutorial I am getting this error.
      Can someone please help.


      Warning: The Bean Provider must specify the fully-qualified name of the Java class that implements the enterprise bean's business methods in the <ejb-class> element.
      Info : Class not found on 'tutorial.ejb.FiboBean': No ClassLoaders found for: tutorial.ejb.FiboBean

      19:03:19,343 ERROR [MainDeployer] could not create deployment: file:/H:/jboss-3.2.3/server/default/tmp/deploy/tmp14493FiboApp.ear-contents/FiboEJB.jar
      org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Verification of Enterprise Beans failed, see above for error messages.
      at org.jboss.ejb.EJBDeployer.create(EJBDeployer.java:491)