1. Re: Class not found on 'tutorial.ejb.FiboBean' error
oz59 Feb 20, 2004 4:37 PM (in response to sysuser1)Greetings.
You might want to double check your .ear to make sure the "FiboEJB.jar" actually contains your bean and interfaces (as well as the deployment descriptors). If it doesn't, either the XDoclet configuration or your packaging configuration is bad.
Good luck. -
2. Re: Class not found on 'tutorial.ejb.FiboBean' error
karsteno Feb 2, 2005 6:35 AM (in response to sysuser1)@jbossUser1
If you have checked the jar, war and ear-files and one file is missed, check whether you copied some charakters to much or to less from the tutorial to the properties of your project-configuration.
Project -> Properties -> Packaging Configurations and
Project -> Properties -> XDoclet Configurations -
3. Re: Class not found on 'tutorial.ejb.FiboBean' error
kss Jun 8, 2006 2:24 PM (in response to sysuser1)I also face the same problem, should i have to use JDK 5.0.
nfo : Class not found on 'tutorials.ejb.FiboBean': No ClassLoaders found for: tutorials.ejb.FiboBean
eclipse gives error "tools.jar" not found,when i configure jdk 5.0.
Help me out. -
4. Re: Class not found on 'tutorial.ejb.FiboBean' error
joeng165 Aug 4, 2006 8:24 AM (in response to sysuser1)I had encounter the same problem. It's because I'm using JDK1.5 to compile while looking at JBoss startup log, I found that it is using JDK1.4.2.
After setting JAVA_HOME properly in environment or run.bat, the problem gone.