3 Replies Latest reply on Jul 16, 2005 12:31 PM by dblaisdell

    Out of Memory error with "Run XDoclet"


      Does anyone know how to change the (heap) memory settings for Ant processes that Eclipse launches? I've got a rather huge XDoclet/EJB project and suddenly it's gotten to the point where "Run XDoclet" gives an error suggesting that I change the heap size in ANT_OPTS.

      I tried changing the heap setting for Eclipse itself, but that didn't change anything. I suspect I need to figure out how to instruct Eclipse to start Ant with specific memory settings.

      Any ideas?

      Murray Todd Williams

        • 1. Re: Out of Memory error with


          XDoclet generation is run as forked. Try to search on the Eclipse mailing list to change forked Ant memory settings.


          • 2. Re: Out of Memory error with

            I have searched the mailing list and still can't find a solution to this problem. Have either of you figured out how to change the ant memory settings?

            • 3. Re: Out of Memory error with

              I would like to thank willimur to responding to an e-mail about the ANT_OPTS problem. Here is his solution:

              Just change the memory settings for the default JVM that you have
              defined in Eclipse. (Meaning, in Preferences under "Installed JREs"
              go to the "default VM options" and put some setting like "-Xms192m -
              Xmx768m" (minus the quotes). Note of could "ms" is the amount of
              memory to assign at startup and "mx" is the maximum that it's allowed
              to grow.

              Our system is HUGE and has hundreds of Local and Remote Interfaces,
              Message Beans, Value Objects, etc. and generally gets by XDoclet
              compiling with 512m.

              Thank you!