9 Replies Latest reply on Nov 6, 2005 6:52 PM by dr_zhivago

    launch problems HELP


      I have been trying to just lauch JBOSS in Eclipse and I cant even get that working. I got

      JDK 1.4.2
      Eclipse 3.0 RC3 (Tried 3.0M8 and M9 too)
      JBOSS 3.2.5
      JBOSS IDE 1.2.4

      Steps i took:
      1) Show the Default Server Icons
      2) Add a new JRE that points to JDK home and use this
      3) Add a new JBOSS 3.2.X Server config under Create, manage and run configurations
      4) Set Launcher to newly created JBOSS config
      5) Press the Start button of the Default Server group icons

      The result:
      Pop up: Could not find the main class. Program will exit.
      Pop up: Cannot connect to the VM
      Console pane: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: and
      Exception in thread "main"

      It is the same for M8, M9 so i must be missing something. Please help.

        • 1. Re: launch problems HELP


          Are you using JBoss-IDE 1.2.4 or JBoss-IDE 1.2.430 ?

          JBoss-IDE 1.2.4 is for Eclipse 2.1.
          JBoss-IDE 1.2.430 if for Eclipse 3.0.


          • 2. Re: launch problems HELP

            It is JBOSS-IDE 1.2.430 for Eclipse 3.0 versions

            • 3. Re: launch problems HELP

              I realise this dosnt help but I am getting a similar problem to you but I am using Eclipse 2.1.4 all other software is similar apart from not being able to see what operating system you are running. I am running Windows XP professional. I followed the install guide to install the JBoss plug in. Does jboss start outside of eclipse by running Run.bat it does for me.
              It looks like the Java VM is trying to run somthing called Files\Jboss-3/2/4 but where it picks up this value is a mystery to me so far.
              Try this go to the command line and type in java and then Files\Jboss-3/2/4 and you will get a similar message as when you try to start JBoss from the IDE. This may however be a catchall when Java cannot find a class it wants to load into the JVM.

              I have just realised it is a parsing problem my jboss files are in c:\Program Files\jboss-3.2.4 for some reason this is being translated into Files\jboss-3.2.4 the C:\programs is being truncated and the "." are being converted to /. I dont know why but I will continue to look.

              • 4. Re: launch problems HELP

                On Windows never install jboss in a path that contains spaces. This is documented even in the free documents I think.

                • 5. Re: launch problems HELP

                  dmsy, you should use the latest stable Eclipse 3.0 release and JBoss-IDE 1.2.430, installed as per the documentation (updates site). Then make sure than your default Eclipse JRE is a proper JDK. Then configure your server via Server Navigator --> Configure and make sure the JDK path looks right. If you are still having problems post your errors here and I will see if I can help you.

                  • 6. Re: launch problems HELP

                    If you get a Cannot Connect To VM Error, I followed advice on this forum and renamed my JBOSS directory to EXCLUDE (remove) a space in the name and it worked!!!

                    if that doesnt work you may also need to copy dt_socket.dll and dt_shellmem.dll from you java JRE/lib folder to windows/system32 folder see http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=160025&start=0&tstart=60 and http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=577610&messageID=3025506. Beware of playing around with DLLs though!

                    Try this hope it helps...

                    • 7. Re: launch problems HELP

                      If you have you jdk in e.g. "c:\Program Files\", then for the path use "c:\Progra~1" in the server configuration dialog. You can use the same method if other files are in directories with spaces in their names. If you still have problems, open a command prompt and list the directory contents with the flag "\X". This will tell you what the short directory names is.

                      • 8. Re: launch problems HELP

                        Hey, I solved this problem by moving the JBOSS directory form program files to C:\.Blank characters are the problems!

                        • 9. Re: launch problems HELP

                          Thanks jvdoever,

                          Your solution works well. I used the dos names as you suggested. Found the using DIR\X and chandged:

                          - C:\Program Files\jboss-4.0.3\
                          - C:\Progra~1\jboss-~1.3\

                          Lovely, thanks!