0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 12, 2005 5:59 AM by raviupasi

    Problem integrating JBossIDE 1.4.0 with Eclipse 3.0


      I am trying to integrate Eclipse3.0 with Jboss4.0.1-sp1

      I have installed Eclipse 3.0 allready and according to the site that is specified
      I am trying to setup JBoss plugins.
      Every thing is set up fine but when I try to create a New Project. It gives a Option for Jboss-IDE. But when I click on J2EE 1.3 or J2EE1.4project and click next Eclipse gives a Error saying
      Plug-in org.jboss.ide.eclipse.jdt.j2ee.ui was unable to load class

      I checked in the plugin Directory it has the
      org.jboss.ide.eclipse.jdt.j2ee.jsp.ui_1.4.0 and also

      Can any one tell me where I am goin wrong

      ravi oops