9 Replies Latest reply on Nov 2, 2005 8:35 AM by maxandersen

    Eclipse 3.1 and JBossIDE 1.5M1


      I have eclipse 3.1(the last version) and JBossIDE 1.5 M1 instaled on my pc and I have a problem when I try to create a new JBoss project. The error message is:

      The selectted Wizard cotld not be started.


      please if somebody have the answer for this problem...

        • 1. Re: Eclipse 3.1 and JBossIDE 1.5M1


          I've got the same problem.

          How did you solve it?

          Thanks in advance !



          • 2. Re: Eclipse 3.1 and JBossIDE 1.5M1

            looks to me like someone is using eclipse 3.2 and not 3.1.1

            • 3. Re: Eclipse 3.1 and JBossIDE 1.5M1

              No, I'm using Eclipse 3.1. I'll try to upgrade to 3.1.1.



              • 4. Re: Eclipse 3.1 and JBossIDE 1.5M1

                btw. also try to use the latest jbosside 1.5 rc1

                • 5. Re: Eclipse 3.1 and JBossIDE 1.5M1

                  I upgraded to 1.5 rc1 and it's ok now (I'm still using eclipse 3.1, not 3.1.1). Thank you very much!

                  • 6. Re: Eclipse 3.1 and JBossIDE 1.5M1


                    Something is really toast here. I've just finished installing a fresh copy of the Eclipse IDE 3.1.1. My first action was to point Eclipse at the JBossIDE update site [http://jboss.sourceforge.net/jbosside/updates/] and let it update itself. It went and installed 1.4

                    I now find that I can neither instantiate a wizard because of the above error, attempt initialisation of any wizard in fact nor configure the damn thing via window--> Preferences or do anything else that seems like work.

                    It once again seems like your stable release has been confused with the stinking release candidate.

                    • 7. Re: Eclipse 3.1 and JBossIDE 1.5M1

                      i recommend use jbossIDE 1.5 RC1 for 3.1

                      look at jbosside homepage for the in-development updatesite url

                      • 8. Re: Eclipse 3.1 and JBossIDE 1.5M1

                        Apologies for the immediate second post, and for posting onto an existing message that isn't really related, you actually had me angry enough to have not only started typing into a reply block but to also have hit the flaming Submit button once I realised what I'd been doing...

                        I'll continue it here regardless since it's already started. (thanks for letting me delete my own posts guys, you can all feel free to move these posts at your leisure or delete them for all I care since I actually hold no hope for a resolution)


                        Now you must understand that I've never had a great deal of success with any of your release candidates in the past and I will never even briefly consider loading one of them onto my machine again. But, that being said, I have always found the stable release code to be something that I can and do enjoy using.

                        This time round I chose to use the online updating tool because, frankly, it's easier. Also, I trust that versioning control and dependancy checking will be done when dealig with a live update scenario.

                        Now that this lot has bitten me I want to know why it happened. The short answer would be that somewhere a dependancy is not met ja?

                        The behaviour is such that starting an EJB via the visual tools doesn't even bother with an error message, it just does nothing. Most other things throw the error.

                        The error originating from
                        org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.wizards.NewWizardMessages.getString(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; appears to be a global point of failure for the visual tools, so it probably doesn't help any.

                        How can I fix this without re-downloading the plugin?

                        • 9. Re: Eclipse 3.1 and JBossIDE 1.5M1

                          what the.. ? Please contribute with bugreports or patches instead of this ranting.

                          if you dont want to use the 1.5 RC1 with eclipse 3.1.1 then use 1.4 stable with eclipse 3.0.

                          you error is due to incompabilities with some of the internal api's we have used for the wizards. And if you had looked in the jira or other postings you would have found this explanation.
