1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 1, 2005 3:28 PM by alvarommz

    EJB3 Based on IDE tutorial 1.4.1


      My question is whether I can develop a EJB3 Application with persisting entities, by following the sample in the JBoss IDE 1.4.1 Tutorial (Fibo)?

      If so, then I wish to know:
      - what differences there will be related to the EJB3 Approach?
      - Fibo just performs calculations but not persistence, but I need to create several entity beans, what should I do (descriptors, etc)
      - Persistence in this case is uppon an Oracle 10g database, what should I do to manage this issue.

      I started my project following the EJBTrail sample project, I applied the same descriptors and .xml files uppon my project and at the debugging stage the following error popped up:

      .... OCities not bound

      Where OCities is an interface for a stateless session bean to manage an
      OCity entity bean object.

      This occurs at the init() method of the corresponding servlet
      at the sentence:

      Context cn = new InitialContext();
      OCities Cities = (OCities) cn.lookup(OCities.class.getName());

      I realize it has something to do with Jndi but I don´t know exactly How to manage it. I´m open to suggestions.

      Well that's it
      Thanks a lot in advance.
      Alvaro E Martinez

        • 1. Re: EJB3 Based on IDE tutorial 1.4.1


          "alvarommz" wrote:
          My question is whether I can develop a EJB3 Application with persisting entities, by following the sample in the JBoss IDE 1.4.1 Tutorial (Fibo)?

          If so, then I wish to know:
          - what differences there will be related to the EJB3 Approach?
          - Fibo just performs calculations but not persistence, but I need to create several entity beans, what should I do (descriptors, etc)
          - Persistence in this case is uppon an Oracle 10g database, what should I do to manage this issue.

          I started my project following the EJBTrail sample project, I applied the same descriptors and .xml files uppon my project and at the debugging stage the following error popped up:

          .... OCities not bound

          Where OCities is an interface for a stateless session bean to manage an
          OCity entity bean object.

          This occurs at the init() method of the corresponding servlet
          at the sentence:

          Context cn = new InitialContext();
          OCities Cities = (OCities) cn.lookup(OCities.class.getName());

          I realize it has something to do with Jndi but I don´t know exactly How to manage it. I´m open to suggestions.

          Well that's it
          Thanks a lot in advance.
          Alvaro E Martinez