Here are the topics we talked about today:
1) Tasks needed to be done for JBossIDE 1.5 Final
a) Core
- latest jsp editor issue (
Marshall will look into it.
- Others (Marshall)
Verify that aop libraries are in-sync, the latest.
b) jbpm
- update to latest jbpm ?
Koen will update it to 3.0.2 (the latest stable release)
- Others (Koen)
c) hibernatetools
- query console randomly working
Not able to reproduce. Can't fix.
- reveng optimistic locking (80% done)
On target.
- seam templates in working condition (gavin)
Missing Gavin's response.
d) nightly/integration & release build Plan
Build target are right now HEAD.
All modules tag friday and we do integration build friday and test
Planned date for release: Thursday 29th december.
2) Other JBossIDE issues
a) Seam support in JSP editor
- finding annotations and provide them in code completion of jsp's
Not sure if WTP allows us to extend current JSP editing. Might need to do hacks for enabling it (like providing our own wtp extended editor)
3) Other stuff ?
TBoD: Marshall will send us some suggestion for roadmap etc. for further discussion after 1.5 release.
Will also start a thread on the forum.
Next IM/Chat: Friday 15:00 CET
Update from me:
"" wrote:
c) hibernatetools
- reveng optimistic locking (DONE)
- seam templates in working condition (DONE according to Gavin)