0 Replies Latest reply on Dec 28, 2005 2:43 PM by mculpepper

    Updated build system documentation

      Hey guys... after countless hours of trying to make sourceforge work last night with our newest integration candidate for JBossIDE 1.5, I decided to update the releng documentation to docbook, as well as release a developer guide that will hopefully smooth the transition for Gurkan, and get you guys using the build system on your own machines more frequently =).

      Here's the new link for the Releng User Docs:

      And here's the new link for the Releng Developer Docs:

      At this point the only major component of the releng system that is partially undocumented is the update site process. Right now the script is mentioned as well as it's usage, but as for how to to change/edit the update site, there is nothing. All of the corresponding docbook data for the new releng documentation can be found under jbosside/core/docs under cvs.