8 Replies Latest reply on Apr 14, 2006 3:44 PM by cecconae

    JBossIDE localization

      Antonio Ceccon has emailed me stating an interest in contributing by localizing JBossIDE for Brazilian Portuguese. There are a few issues at hand, namely:

      - Currently JBossIDE externalizes all (or at least most) of it's user input strings into property files. He will need to translate all of these to parallel property files I suppose.. (*.properties.br?)

      - We will need to figure out how to hook these translated property files into Eclipse's localization support, hopefully this will be relatively simple.. Koen/Max.. do you guys have any insight here? (I'm playing the ignorant American here)

      - We will also need to apply this functionality to the entire JBossIDE stack.. (HTools, jbpm gpd, aop developer, ejb3 tools, cache ide, etc etc).

      I've pointed Antonio to this thread so he can come and post his thoughts directly.

        • 1. Re: JBossIDE localization

          i haven't done much localization for hibernate tools up till now .... to much conflicting ways of doing it while i started so I planned to do it when I found the "way". ...unfortunately i haven't found it yet (haven't looked hard though)

          I plan to fix/find out when I clean up for the move to jboss cvs.

          • 2. Re: JBossIDE localization


            I´ll be looking JBoss Eclipse IDE to see how it handle
            localized strings and soon I´ll put some news.

            • 3. Re: JBossIDE localization


              I studied how we could organize localized string files in Eclipse
              plugins, later we could do that for features as well. There
              are many ways to do that. They could be packed in the plugin
              folder or packed in a plugin fragment like Eclipse Foundation does :

              Eclipse Example :

              Plugin ..........: org.eclipse.jdt.debug_3.1.1 ( English strings only )
              ----- plugin.properties
              ----- jdimodel.jar -> JDIMessages.Properties

              Plugin Fragment .: org.eclipse.jdt.debug.nl1_3.1.1 ( Translated strings )
              ----- plugin_pt_BR.properties
              ----- plugin_it.properties
              ----- plugin_fr.properties
              ----- ...
              ----- nl1.jar -> JDIMessages_pt_BR.Properties, JDIMessages_fr.Properties

              Following that model it would be possible to distribute a
              language pack like Eclipse Foundation does and it
              could be separated from main project thread. The
              only disvantage I can see is that plugin folders
              will double.

              JBoss Plugin Example :

              Plugin ..........: org.jboss.ide.eclipse.jdt.core_1.4.0 ( English strings only )
              ----- plugin.properties
              ----- org-jboss-ide-eclipse-jdt-core.jar ->JDTCoreMessages.Properties

              Plugin Fragment .: org.jboss.ide.eclipse.jdt.core.nl1_1.4.0 ( Translated strings )
              ----- plugin_pt_BR.properties
              ----- plugin_it.properties
              ----- plugin_fr.properties
              ----- ...
              ----- nl1.jar -> JDTCoreMessages_pt_BR.Properties

              Can you analize that ? let me know
              about your conclusions or doubts.

              • 4. Re: JBossIDE localization

                thanks for looking into i18n for jboss ide.

                Any reason why those properties isn't just put in the main plugin ?

                • 5. Re: JBossIDE localization

                  It is possible, but it could causes some side effects.
                  Below I pointed out some of them that we need to
                  think about. Put localization resource files in
                  the main plugin or in a separated project is an
                  strategic decision.

                  1- Normally string files go to people that work
                  only with translation. When you have a project
                  with those files only people don´t need to go
                  throughtout the project looking every file type
                  to locate only those files that need translation.
                  Translation files would be separated from other

                  2- If translated string files are put in the main
                  plugin, won´t be possible to pack an English version
                  only. You must translate all the strings before
                  launch a new version. With a separated project
                  would be possible to build a plugin compatible
                  version lang pack and make it available after
                  the main plugin.

                  3- Would be possible to split plugins management,
                  if necessary. ( Main plugin / Language pack plugin )

                  • 6. Re: JBossIDE localization

                    ah - i misunderstood the first time; i thought you were talking about making a project per translation.

                    i guess having them in package fragments make sense; but lets get some translations first ;)

                    • 7. Re: JBossIDE localization

                      Ok Max, I am starting the translation. When I have some files
                      translated I´ll send to you.

                      • 8. Re: JBossIDE localization

                        Just to ping, I am working in translation.

                        Antonio Edson Ceccon