2 Replies Latest reply on Mar 1, 2006 6:45 AM by garu

    3.2 based Build


      Just like a poster in another thread, time to time I checkout jboss-ide to see and experience a bunch of errors and failures that are so many. I know we should get involved in the development process and help the jjboss-ide developer guys with jira records.

      However, I think there is couple of critical points that someone should highligh. My understanding from Road maps, jboss-ide is currently based on eclipse 3.0 line. I think I may safely estimate that %95 of total users are on either 3.1 or 3.2Mx versions. And I understand jboss-ide is still imcompatible with these releases (I does not work at all, you cannot even create a project).

      This constraints the user base a lot. And looking into the road map, jboss ide will not be integrated with 3.2 stream line before the summer.

      I will refrain from crating a poll here on my own as I sincerely think that I do not have this authority. I am not trying to provoke people here.

      So I would like to have a couple of opinions of other users and if my point is worth looking into, then we may create a poll on "whether jboss-ide road map changed such that having version 1.5 out, now integration with 3.2Mx (maybe 5) should be the highest priority"

      What dou you think?

        • 1. Re: 3.2 based Build


          I'm sorry you're receiving many failures -- have you tried posting messages in the forums? Obviously you are motivated enough to finally vent a bit about this so we would definately appreciate reports to the bugs you have in either the user forums or JIRA (as you said).

          That being said, I'm not sure where you're pulling you're information from, but the JBossIDE 1.5 release series (which has had releases for a year now) is based on, and integrates well with Eclipse 3.1.

          You can find the JBoss Eclipse IDE 1.5 release information on our downloads page.

          As far as integrating with Eclipse 3.2 is concerned, as you said it is on our roadmap for a stable release in June-July because Eclipse 3.2 won't even be final until then. But we will be making development releases regularly to the JBossIDE community in the interim, to allow you to test and use our new technology (as has always been the practice...), so you shouldn't be without an Eclipse-3.2 compatible JBossIDE for too much longer. AFAIK, actually, JBossIDE does integrate with 3.2 fairly well at this stage (though I can't honestly report how much so.. I would try using our latest 1.5 final with Eclipse 3.2Mx to test..)

          • 2. Re: 3.2 based Build

            If this may help you we are actively using 1.5 final with 3.2M4. We do not yet use advanced functions, like ejb3 or xdoclet and similar, but we didn't get any problem so far.

            It doesn't work on 3.2M5.
            Anyway eclipse teams realized they broke compatibility in plugin extension namespace (or something similar...) and released a 3.2M5a with backward compatibility restored to ease migration.

            Noy yet had the time to test with it.
