4 Replies Latest reply on Jun 14, 2006 2:24 PM by sirmyth

    question about nightly build


      <post moved from user's forum since nightly build issues more likely belongs here...i hope>
      Im trying to use new nightly build with Eclipse 3.2.
      I can stop and start a server ( it starts stops defult server).

      My question is:
      How do I stop/start custom named server ( ie equivelant of
      run.bat -c )
      I cant jsut enter it in App Vars in config screen (it gives me error that i cant change host/directory like that).


        • 1. Re: question about nightly build

          You can edit the configuration name by going into the Launch Configuration properties.

          Open the server's editor, and click the link near the bottom that says "Open Launch Configuration". You should see the command line arguments in the Launch configuration (--configuration=..)

          FYI the JBossAS adapter will allow you to switch configurations through the server editor in the future..

          • 2. Re: question about nightly build

            If you're using the new server tools AS adapter (inside the server view) then you cannot do as Marshall said.

            When you create your server (right click in Server view, new -> server, jboss AS 4.0 etc), you need to set the location of your jboss home directory and then select the proper configuration from the list.

            Once you create a server for that configuration you cannot change the configuration and must create a new server with the same home but a different configuration name.

            I'm not sure if I should keep that this way or if I should let you change the configuration on the fly. Right now I'm leaning towards mandating they all remain separate servers.

            • 3. Re: question about nightly build

              The last post was actually posted by Rob.Stryker@jboss.com, not marshall culpepper. Sorry for the mixup.

              • 4. Re: question about nightly build

                Thank you for all your help!!!
