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1. Re: Failed to create new jboss debug configuration in Eclips
rob.stryker Oct 25, 2006 12:45 PM (in response to ah6511)JBoss 4.x should not be appearing there.
See new demos: -
2. Re: Failed to create new jboss debug configuration in Eclips
ah6511 Oct 26, 2006 4:33 PM (in response to ah6511)Thx. After I switched the jboss AS perspective, created a new server (jboss AS 4) and selecting it, but nothing shows up the view pane under server view pane, even though Modules, Event Log, etc are all enabled. Any idea? TIA.
3. Re: Failed to create new jboss debug configuration in Eclips
mvalentiner Nov 17, 2006 6:30 PM (in response to ah6511)I've got this problem too.
Eclipse 3.2.1
Eclipse IDE 1.6.0.GA
Under Run->Debug, selecting JBoss Remote does nothing. Selecting JBoss AOP Application brings up a new configuration panel, but JBoss Remote (or JBoss anything else) does not. Anyone have a fix or work around? -
4. Re: Failed to create new jboss debug configuration in Eclips
rob.stryker Nov 17, 2006 11:22 PM (in response to ah6511)It is widely reported that JBossIDE 1.6 is not compatible with eclipse 3.2