1. Re: Integrate with XText/JET/Xpand: Drop Freemarker as gener
maxandersen Nov 6, 2009 7:06 AM (in response to luxspes)Does it run from ant without massive dependencies and overhead ? If not, then no.
And are you willing to migrate all our templates to JET or Xpand ?
Stuff like this does not happen without someone with the time to do it. Plus the fixes we got waiting in freemarker component did not work when I applied them last (too many changes in one patch).
Care to make them smaller so we can apply them ? -
2. Re: Integrate with XText/JET/Xpand: Drop Freemarker as gener
luxspes Nov 12, 2009 11:37 AM (in response to luxspes)"max.andersen@jboss.com" wrote:
Does it run from ant without massive dependencies and overhead ? If not, then no.
Not sure...
And are you willing to migrate all our templates to JET or Xpand ?
Maybe, I know them pretty well (having done extensive modifications to them) , but I am not sure I will have the free time :'(
Stuff like this does not happen without someone with the time to do it. Plus the fixes we got waiting in freemarker component did not work when I applied them last (too many changes in one patch).
I did not implemented those, I have not experience in that kind of programming (that is why I like the idea of using Xtext: that work is already being done by someone else with interest in creating the ultimate code generation tool)
Care to make them smaller so we can apply them ?
If I had implemented them, or had the level of knowledge required, I would try... :'(. But that is precisely the point, nobody seems to care-about/have-spare-time for improving support for Freemarker in Eclipse: Why not leave that job to a team of people that actually have the creation of such a tool as their main goal? -
3. Re: Integrate with XText/JET/Xpand: Drop Freemarker as gener
maxandersen Nov 12, 2009 12:22 PM (in response to luxspes)Because freemarker works and it runs from eclipse and ant and doesn't require fancy tooling to be useful.
Does that mean I don't think we need better freemarker tooling ? no of course not, I would love it to be improved.
Moving to xtext or something else would require much more effort than fixing a few issues in the freemarker editor AND it would affect *all* users of hibernate tools so i'm really not convinced that doing such a move is a Good thing.
Note: Hibernate tools exporters is not in any way tied to use freemarker - you can create your own exporter that calls out to some other template framework.