1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 30, 2003 1:01 PM by brianko

    create startup class with jboss3-0-4


      We are using MBean as startup class to start some configuration property/xml files. We want read the configuration when jboss(like weblogic) starts and put all the config information into memory so that application can get config data from memory. I created an ear, which has sar and jar(ejb) in it. The jar has some utility class which mbean class is using. But the problem is Jboss while loading ear file. It is loading sar first. Is there any way to load jar first and then sar. sothat sar can access utility class from jar.

      Thanks in Advance

        • 1. Re: create startup class with jboss3-0-4

          I was not able to find a graceful solution. So I used jboss schedule to start that start up class twice. The first one will fail. However, the second will succeed and it will work just fine. I hope someone find a better solution.
