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1. Re: Components part II
daggerrz Mar 11, 2003 5:11 PM (in response to wondersonic)Dunno about this project, but if you'd like to check out another one, point your browser to It's a new project to be announced soon. A SWT- and Jelly-based management console for JBoss. Fetch the head from CVS, get maven 1.0b8 and run "maven console". Then put the sample log4j.xml from src/etc into default/server/conf and fire JBoss up. Then press CTRL+R to hook up to JBoss via JMX.
The project is not ready for a "real" announcement, but if you're curious and daring, have a look at it.
BTW: We (James Strachan and I) would love to see others helping us out on this project.