4 Replies Latest reply on Feb 28, 2006 5:49 AM by gregory.pfister

    JBoss admin console


      We have developed a console application for JBoss , the application currently supports basic configuration features like :

      1. Deployer service ( ear ,war ,exploded file structre )
      2. server instance creation (start / stop /delete )
      3 Thread pool management
      4 Data source /Connection pool
      5 Cluster services
      6 Log management
      7 JMS component CRUD operations
      8 support different modes ( persist across start ups ,
      9 Remote Server management (Phase 2)

      Can anyone tell me where should I upload the application so that it can be evaluated by JBoss community and possibly included in their suite of applications .

      Also ,if any one want to use the application for commercial purpose please contact us at : marketing@aegisconsultancy.com