0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 27, 2009 2:23 AM by starksm64

    JBAS-6285, platform mbeans managed components


      I finally got the platform mbeans integrated into the profile service management view and merged into the 5_x branch. Numerous issues in the jboss-managed project showed up that had to be addressed. These are all part of the 2.1.0.CR2 release which is now being used by jbossas 5_x.

      The biggest potential change is that the SimpleMetaType now has a notion of primitive types. The following final objects have been added:

       public static final SimpleMetaType BOOLEAN_PRIMITIVE;
       public static final SimpleMetaType BYTE_PRIMITIVE;
       public static final SimpleMetaType CHARACTER_PRIMITIVE;
       public static final SimpleMetaType DOUBLE_PRIMITIVE;
       public static final SimpleMetaType FLOAT_PRIMITIVE;
       public static final SimpleMetaType INTEGER_PRIMITIVE;
       public static final SimpleMetaType LONG_PRIMITIVE;
       public static final SimpleMetaType SHORT_PRIMITIVE;

      These are created by using the corresponding primitive class name, for example, "int" for the int.class. The SimpleValueSupport class has new type safe wrap(...) static methods that allow one to create SimpleValues of the given primitive SimpleMetaTypes.

      Although the types are different, the java.lang.* and primitive version of a given SimpleValue do compare to be the same, even though their types are not equal.

      The addition of primitive types was needed to be able to properly resolve the signature of ManagedOpertions whose underlying java method used primitives as is the case for most of the platform mbean operations.

      Let me know if there are any issues with this change in the embedded jopr project.