9 Replies Latest reply on Jul 13, 2009 6:01 PM by starksm64

    security domain used for securing remote access to Profile S


      Currently, the Profile Service uses the "profileservice" security domain, while the JMX invoker (JMX console, twiddle, etc.) and the admin console use the "jmx-console" domain. This means JBAS5 users will need to configure two sets of credentials for admin access, instead of one, assuming they want to use both the Profile Service and JMX. It also means that JON users will need to configure two sets of credentials for a JBAS5 instance in order for Jopr to be able to manage that instance (this is because the Jopr JBAS5 plugin uses both the Profile Service and JMX).

      Scott, to simplify things for users, what do you think about having the JMX invoker, the admin-console, and the PS remote access all share the same domain (perhaps called "admin" or "remote-admin")?