2 Replies Latest reply on Dec 4, 2003 7:47 PM by rickysu

    Commit option C BIG PROBLEM with 3.2.2 final release


      Hi all,

      I've just downloaded the latest release 3.2.2. The release 3.2.1 had a problem with commit option c unable to passivate due to ctx lock. I've tried to use 3.2.2 to see if this problem is fixed. It seems like it got worse. One thing I noticed is with commit option c jboss returns or destroys the bean before saving the state in memory. If we use create() it creates entries in database. Right after create assign any fields using set methods on remote interface and exit your session bean. Those settings will not be saved to database. The behavior is not the same with commit option A or B. This is a very big bug.
      By the way, we use ejb 1.1 with 2.0 descriptor and declare cmp-version=1.x in ejb-jar.xml descriptor. The database is Sybase ASE 12.5

      I appreciate the response,