1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 5, 2004 3:17 AM by anajavi

    jboss.xml inside a jar mentioned in ejb-jar:s manifest bug(?


      I accidently jarred jboss.xml and ejb-jar.xml inside some.jar's META-INF.

      This some.jar was mentioned in MANIFEST.MF of a ejb-jar.

      When deploying ejb-jar the deployer failed to add some.jar to ejb-jar's classpath:
      2004-01-30 15:36:14,814 DEBUG [org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer] new manifest entry for sdi at some-ejb.jar entry is lib/some.jar
      2004-01-30 15:36:14,814 DEBUG [org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer] new manifest entry for sdi at some-ejb.jar entry is lib/some.jar
      2004-01-30 15:36:14,822 DEBUG [org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer] using deployer org.jboss.ejb.EJBDeployer@3a9bba
      2004-01-30 15:36:14,822 DEBUG [org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer] using deployer org.jboss.ejb.EJBDeployer@3a9bba
      2004-01-30 15:36:14,823 DEBUG [org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer] The manifest entry in file:/opt/jboss-3.2.3_jetty-4.2.14/server/default/deploy/some.ear/some-ejb.jar/ references URL file:/opt/jboss-3.2.3_jetty-4.2.14/server/default/deploy/some.ear/lib/some.jar which could not be opened, entry ignored
      2004-01-30 15:36:14,823 DEBUG [org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer] The manifest entry in file:/opt/jboss-3.2.3_jetty-4.2.14/server/default/deploy/some.ear/some-ejb.jar/ references URL file:/opt/jboss-3.2.3_jetty-4.2.14/server/default/deploy/some.ear/lib/some.jar which could not be opened, entry ignored

      It seems to me that deployer tried to deploy the some.jar because of these xml-files. Jar was not added to classpath after failing deployment.

      Is this expected behavior? Is there a way to deploy something by mentioning them in manifest?

      It would have been much easier to debug with error-messages that would say something about this accidental deployment. I think debug-level messages are not enough for this kind of problem.

        • 1. Re: jboss.xml inside a jar mentioned in ejb-jar:s manifest b

          I checked the j2ee 1.4 specification and in section 8.2 it says:
          The Manifest file is named META-INF/MANIFEST.MF in the JAR file. The Class-Path entry in the Manifest file is of the form
          Class-Path: list-of-jar-files-separated-by-spaces
          The J2EE deployment tools must process all such referenced files when processing a J2EE module. Any deployment descriptors in referenced .jar files are ignored when processing the referencing .jar file.

          It seems that JBoss 3.2.3 violates this part of the 1.4 spec.