1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 15, 2004 8:02 AM by adrian.brock

    Possible Bug in JBoss Transaction Management



      I hope this is the right place to post a (possible) bug report.

      I might have found a serious (but rarely arising) bug in JBoss (3 + 4) transaction management.
      This is the Scenario:

      NSession (statless, remote) has a method with the following signature:

       public void foo( scribble.server.ejb.interfaces.OuterObject.InnerObject param)

      The class InnerObject is a static inner class of OuterObject as follows:
      package scribble.server.ejb.interfaces;
      import java.io.Serializable;
      public class OuterObject implements Serializable {
       public static class InnerObject implements Serializable {
       public String name;
       public InnerObject( String name) {
       this.name = name;

      SessionBean 'NSession' has the following transaction attributes (from ejb-jar.xml):
      <container-transaction >
       <method >
      <container-transaction >
       <method >

      When calling the method 'NSession.foo' within a transactional context (e.g. from a Client with a UserTransaction), I expect a 'Transaction not allowed'-Exception, since 'foo' is attributed as 'Never', but I get none. Instead of that the method is being executed as if it was attributed as 'Required'.

      I did not look into the JBoss source, but I have a guess: it seems that JBoss has problems (while reading the ejb-jar.xml) to separate the package name from the full-qualified classname of an inner class correctly when occuring as a method parameter, e.g.
      {------------package-----------------------|--class----} WRONG

      instead of
      {------------package-----------|---------class---------} CORRECT

      and therefore can not assign the transaction attribute 'Never' to the method 'foo'. Instead the method gets the 'Required' attribute, since it matches the wildcard '*'.

