This got delayed to 4.0.4 because there was no discussion about it.
The idea is to expose MBeans that provide management information
about the JCA RARs.
For the basic RAR, I'd propose that we allow a simple configuration to
register the ResourceAdapter implementation as an MBean
probably by adding a jboss-ra.xml or doing some clever trick
to check whether it is a StandardMBean based on an option
on the RARDeployer?
I don't know how complicated we want to get with this in terms of overriding
the management interface or exposing it as an XMBean.
<jmx interface="whatever"/>
That is an excellent idea!. I've been thinking of implementing an MBean to manage my RAR for quite a while. I can see many good uses for it, for example inspecting the connection factories and listing the connections in the pools.