4 Replies Latest reply on Jul 9, 2006 4:34 PM by starksm64

    JCA and JAXB


      I converted the *-ds.xml file to a schema represenation (simple conversion using Oxygen, nothing fancy), ran it through the latest xjc compiler, unmarshalled a *-ds.xml document etc, etc.

      Is there any reason why we shouldn't be using this technology over XB. I can understand for the existing ra.xml stuff since it's already done, but for the ds.xml it would seem to make sense at the very least it would eliminate a lot of code that doesn't do anything besides XML binding which JAXB already provides.

      I know that we are going to be using the JAXB RI in 5.0 moving forward so IMO we should go ahead and start leveraging this. In many ways, I would be inclined to replace the ResourceAdapterObjectModel factory as well.

        • 1. Re: JCA and JAXB


          I converted the *-ds.xml file to a schema represenation

          Should read ...converted the jboss-ds_1_X.dtd(s)

          • 2. Re: JCA and JAXB

            My fundamental problem with jaxb is that is drives the java model from schema/xml and as such has limitations. I want the java object model to be what it needs to be, not fit into something that jaxb can support.

            • 3. Re: JCA and JAXB

              An external mapping file can allow for differences in the xsd->object model if necessary. I could see this if they object model was something more than just dumb data containers, but in parsing deployment descriptors, that's exactly what the object model is. The meta data is just a wrapper of the underlying XML.

              I guess I am seeing it in terms of

              1) Code elimination
              2) Ease of use
              3) A technology that is already a part of our stack (at least this is what was discussed on one of the R&D conference calls)

              • 4. Re: JCA and JAXB

                The customization support in jaxb was not sufficient for handling object/xml mapping in the past. The parsing required of the jboss.xml file is an example.