1 2 Previous Next 22 Replies Latest reply on Dec 10, 2007 10:11 PM by starksm64 Go to original post
      • 15. Re: DeploymentInfo/Template MCF

        There are currently 3 implementations of BasicDeploymentTemplateInfo:
        - org.jboss.resource.deployers.management.DsDataSourceTemplateInfo
        - org.jboss.resource.deployers.management.ConnectionFactoryTemplateInfo
        - org.jboss.profileservice.management.templates.DsXmlDataSourceTemplateInfo

        All look the same. Is there supposed to be a template impl per ManagedConnectionFactoryDeploymentMetaData subclass?
        If not what's the point of having 3 different classes and where the connection factory type is supposed to be specified?

        • 16. Re: DeploymentInfo/Template MCF

          DsXmlDataSourceTemplateInfo was just for testing and should be ignored. The ConnectionFactoryTemplateInfo was an initial impl, DsDataSourceTemplate/DsDataSourceTemplateInfo are the latest versions that are what should be completed.

          • 17. Re: DeploymentInfo/Template MCF

            Is the connection factory type supposed to be figured out based on the property names? E.g. if there are xa-datasource-property's it's going to be an XADataSource, config-property's would make it connection-factory and, otherwise, local-tx-datasource?

            • 18. Re: DeploymentInfo/Template MCF

              No, I would make it a required property of the DsDataSourceTemplateInfo that does not map to an actual ManagedProperty of the metadata. The admin client needs to provide this, but in the management view its reflected by the ComponentType(FactoryType, FactorySubType) value derived from the ManagedObject.

              • 19. Re: DeploymentInfo/Template MCF

                In the DsDataSourceTemplateInfo there already is a ManagedProperty for field datasource-type which is by default initialized to local-tx-datasource. Can this property be used to determine the connection factory type?

                • 20. Re: DeploymentInfo/Template MCF


                  • 21. Re: DeploymentInfo/Template MCF

                    I'd like to clarify how the template is composed for the MCF deployment and what it is supposed to cover.

                    Is there supposed to be a separate template class for each kind of MCF? i.e. one for DataSource, another for XADataSource, etc?

                    I thought, there should be one for all. But ran into issues.

                    Currently, the DsDataSourceTemplateInfo creates a single ManagedObject with name ManagedConnectionFactoryDeploymentGroup and adds various attributes that belong to ManagedConnectionFactoryDeploymentMetaData subclasses to it.
                    I thought that's wrong. So, in DDSTI I created MO for each subclass of the MCFDMD and the group. But that doesn't work with the current impl of ManagementViewImpl.applyTemplate(). Since, the template contains info for all kinds of MCF deployments while the template created by the client (template instance?) contains e.g. only one kind of MCF. So, applyTemplate will not be able to apply client's template since it's missing all the other MCF deployments.

                    • 22. Re: DeploymentInfo/Template MCF


                      "alex.loubyansky@jboss.com" wrote:
                      I'd like to clarify how the template is composed for the MCF deployment and what it is supposed to cover.

                      Is there supposed to be a separate template class for each kind of MCF? i.e. one for DataSource, another for XADataSource, etc?

                      I thought, there should be one for all. But ran into issues.

                      It does not matter. If there need to be multiple templates, that is fine. At most there should be one template for a ComponentType.

                      "alex.loubyansky@jboss.com" wrote:

                      Currently, the DsDataSourceTemplateInfo creates a single ManagedObject with name ManagedConnectionFactoryDeploymentGroup and adds various attributes that belong to ManagedConnectionFactoryDeploymentMetaData subclasses to it.
                      I thought that's wrong. So, in DDSTI I created MO for each subclass of the MCFDMD and the group. But that doesn't work with the current impl of ManagementViewImpl.applyTemplate(). Since, the template contains info for all kinds of MCF deployments while the template created by the client (template instance?) contains e.g. only one kind of MCF. So, applyTemplate will not be able to apply client's template since it's missing all the other MCF deployments.

                      Well, this is really an issue of what the correct management interface is, as well as that your free to change the template implementation to be independent of the real metadata. I do think the template should focus on a particular connection factory type, and map this onto a ManagedConnectionFactoryDeploymentMetaData for the deployment metadata. The key thing is that we should be expressing the management api as we want it, and map this onto the metadata rather than the other way around.

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