2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 8, 2004 11:18 AM by aalmero

    rollback problem with some RequiresNew



      "mmqwertz" wrote:
      I have a problem or more a question concerning RequiresNew. As far as I read in the J2EE and EJB Spec and in this forum and the JBoss Doku there are no nested transactions in JBoss right?

      Now I implemented a CMP Entity Bean and set the transaction attributes for all methods to "RequiresNew".

      The sequence of method calls is like this:

      Client (without transaction) calls
      Method1 (with transaction attribute RequiresNew) calls
      Method2 (with transaction attribute RequiresNew)
      Method2 returns without error.
      Method3 (with transaction attribute RequiresNew)
      Method3 returns without error.
      ERROR in Method1 causes Rollback

      This rollback in Method1 causes to rollback all changes in Method1, Method2, Method3!

      How is this possible?
      If there are only flat transactions, I would assume all changes from Method2 and Method3 are already commited when the methods return, So a rollback in Method1 shouldn't rollback changes from Method2 and Method3! In my opition Method2 and 3 must be declared as "Required" to show the behaviour stated above or there must be nested transactions.

      Can anyone explain to me what's going on there?

        • 1. Re: rollback problem with some RequiresNew


          "mmqwertz" wrote:
          Sorry, my fault!

          I called a local method using
          this.increaseBalance() inside a CMP Entity Bean, so there was no possibility for the container to create a new Transaction for Method "increaseBalance()" in this case!

          • 2. Re: rollback problem with some RequiresNew


            "aalmero" wrote:
            Hi !
            I tried to use CMT on my EJB but did not get rollback when i have forced one method to error.

            Client (without transaction) calls
            Method1 (with transaction attribute RequiresNew)
            Method2 (with transaction attribute Required)
            Method2 returns with error.
            Method3 (with transaction attribute Required
            Method3 returns without error.

            error in Method2 should cause a rollback of Method1, but it did not happend at all.

            Please advise as how it is done. Is there anythinh i need to do with my code?
