8 Replies Latest reply on Apr 9, 2009 4:12 AM by adinn

    BUILD FAILED: set jboss.server to the name of the JBoss serv



      I am trying to build the XTS 1.1 .jars with the ultimate goal of getting the WS-BA Framework to work "out of the box" with JBoss 5. Following Andrew's excellent instructions, I did an 'SVN co' on JBOSSTS_4_6_0_CR1/ and then proceeded with step #1:

      ant jbossjta

      the build steamed along happily for over 2.5 minutes, but finally FAILED on this error:

      /* .... snipped build's earlier stdout/stderr */

      [java] com.arjuna.mwlabs.ts.jbossatx.init:
      [java] BUILD FAILED
      [java] c:\Users\buddy\workspace\JBOSS_4_6_0_CR1\build.xml:145: The following error occurred while executing this line:
      [java] c:\Users\buddy\workspace\JBOSS_4_6_0_CR1\atsintegration\build.xml:74: The JBoss server 'all' does not appear to exist in the installation directory. Please set jboss.server to the name of the JBoss server instance.
      [java] Total time: 2 minutes 39 seconds

      I have tried export JBOSS_SERVER=$JBOSS_HOME/server/ and 3 permutations of export JBOSS_SERVER=$JBOSS_HOME/server/{all,default,minimal}, each followed by a re-build. But at that point I was just guessing my way to a work-around. I am now kinda stuck. Any tips on how I pacify this build's need for a correct jboss.server value?


        • 1. Re: BUILD FAILED: set jboss.server to the name of the JBoss

          If you get JBOSS_HOME right you won't need to mess with JBOSS_SERVER. What version of JBossAS are you using?

          • 2. Re: BUILD FAILED: set jboss.server to the name of the JBoss

            I have two installations of JBossAS ...

            Whether I build with

            export JBOSS_HOME=/cygdrive/c/Users/buddy//jboss-5.0.0.GA/

            or build with

            export JBOSS_HOME=/cygdrive/c/Users/buddy//jboss-4.2.2.GA/

            executing ant jbossjta from ../workspace/JBOSS_4_6_0_CR1/ results in the exact same "Please set jboss.server to the name of the JBoss server instance." error message.

            • 3. Re: BUILD FAILED: set jboss.server to the name of the JBoss

              I would not expect it to build against 4.2.2 at all, the AS internals have changed substantially. As for 5.0.0.GA, it may predate some shuffling around of AS libraries which will confuse the build script, or it may (less likely) be a problem with cygwin paths not being handled properly. Try AS 5.1.0.Beta1 or build the AS source from branch 5.x maybe? Failing that I'll have to install cygwin into a windows vm and try to recreate the issue.

              • 4. Re: BUILD FAILED: set jboss.server to the name of the JBoss

                Exact same error, exact same spot with

                export JBOSS_HOME=/cygdrive/c/Users/buddy//jboss-5.1.0.Beta1/

                Will now try a full AS 5 build from source, followed by another re-try of ant jbossjta

                Thanks for your support, Jonathan ... if the full AS 5 build approach fails, maybe I should try a switch to a Linux (redHat .iso download available anywhere?) build environ rather than you re-producing this with Cygwin.

                • 5. Re: BUILD FAILED: set jboss.server to the name of the JBoss

                  Still having the exact same problem after full JBossAS 5.0.1.CR build from scratch:

                  1. pulled down the AS 5 source from https://svn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/branches/Branch_5_x/
                  2. cd build/ dir
                  3. ant clean all install #BUILD 100% SUCCESSFUL
                  4. export JBOSS_HOME=/cygdrive/c/Users/buddy/workspace/JBoss-AS-5.x/build/output/jboss-5.1.0.CR1/
                  5. cd /cygdrive/c/Users/buddy/workspace/JBOSS_4_6_0_CR1
                  6. ant jbossjta

                  [java] BUILD FAILED
                  [java] c:\Users\buddy\workspace\JBOSS_4_6_0_CR1\build.xml:145: The following error occurred while executing this line:
                  [java] c:\Users\buddy\workspace\JBOSS_4_6_0_CR1\atsintegration\build.xml:74: The JBoss server 'all' does not appear to exist in the installation directory. Please set jboss.server to the name of the JBoss server instance.
                  [java] Total time: 3 minutes 29 seconds

                  BUILD FAILED


                  • 6. Re: BUILD FAILED: set jboss.server to the name of the JBoss


                    1. pulled down the AS 5 source from https://svn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/branches/Branch_5_x/
                    2. cd build/ dir
                    3. ant clean all install #BUILD 100% SUCCESSFUL
                    . . .

                    If the build really had succeeded then you would find the following directories under .../JBoss-AS-5.x/build/output/jboss-5.1.0.CR1/build/output/5.1.0.CR1

                    [adinn@toby ~]$ ls ~/jboss/jbossas/JBoss_5_x/build/output/jboss-5.1.0.CR1/
                    bin client common docs lib server
                    [adinn@toby ~]$ ls ~/jboss/jbossas/JBoss_5_x/build/output/jboss-5.1.0.CR1/server/
                    all default minimal standard web
                    [adinn@toby ~]$

                    The last step cited above may be the problem. I remember my build completing wrongly when I called ant directly. I believ it is recommended practice to build by executing the build.sh or build.bat script rather than invoking ant. (just run the script with no command line args)

                    Also, you are probably better off using the svn tree in


                    The 5_x tree you checked out is the branch from which this tag was obtained. Obviously, since it is a branch it is not totally stable whereas the tag will not have changed from when it was made and is (should be :) guaranteed to build.

                    • 7. Re: BUILD FAILED: set jboss.server to the name of the JBoss


                      Andrew, your recall that typing ant directly from the command line was problematic is exactly correct. As you advised, executing build.sh (no arguments) finishes the build successfully and with all the required directories under $JBOSS_HOME/server/ provided (kind of cruel :-( that 'ant' from the command line ends with 'BUILD SUCCESSFUL' indication but does not provide all the required dirs under $JBOSS_HOME/server)


                      • 8. Re: BUILD FAILED: set jboss.server to the name of the JBoss


                        kind of cruel :-( that 'ant' from the command line ends with 'BUILD SUCCESSFUL' indication but does not provide all the required dirs under $JBOSS_HOME/server

                        Worse than cruel I think. I never got to the bottom of thy this is so but it really needs fixing. Anyway, glad you are running now.